
Model for Building Academic and Social Skills

The San Diego Unified School Reform Model prioritizes the development of a core set of foundational skills at each level that prepare students for success in their educational careers. This model includes a complete integration of academic and behavioral supports through the use of "Response to Instruction and Intervention" (RTI²) which provide students with the skills needed for success.

The San Diego Unified School Reform Model seeks the integration of academic standards within and between grade levels. While articulation of students grade to grade is an important goal, the reform model emphasizes that students must master the skills and personal qualities necessary to be successful at the next level.

To support the success of this approach, RTI² strategies such as technology will be used to enhance and streamline student instruction and to support the teacher in the classrooms. Over the next five years, the District's i21 technology program will transform classrooms with digital tools designed to create an engaging and personalized learning environment.

Academic success will be strengthened though the implementation of A-G course work for all students, a strong biliteracy program and special programs to increase the graduation rate.

Critical Thinking and Academic Confidence

The District's model takes a new approach to reform by increasing the focus on teaching students critical thinking skills that will benefit students in future college studies. The District will continue to teach core content standards that are needed for success on high stakes tests, but students will also learn how to develop critical thinking skills necessary to understand and apply what they have learned. With this broader focus, students will learn how to transfer their knowledge to apply in new situations as they prepare for success in the future.

Teachers Working Together

The San Diego Unified School Reform Model encourages teachers to be leaders in grade level and school wide Professional Learning Communities and to participate in Instructional Leadership Teams (ILT's).

These professional learning communities allow teachers work together to engage in collaborative discussion to set rigorous standards and develop common assessments that measure student progress. Teachers will be involved in continuous opportunities for collaboration and assessment that is part of an ongoing cycle of continuous improvement.

Data Driven Instruction

The Reform Model makes constant use of student achievement results to inform teachers how best to refine and improve student learning on a daily basis. Within professional learning communities, teachers and administrators continuously review results. Teachers assess their instructional practice and modify their daily lessons when needed.

The district will continue to improve and enhance data management systems that assist teachers in ongoing analysis of student data. Through the consistent use of the Data Director student achievement database, teachers will have access to individual student data on which to base their decisions on instructional strategies and refinements. This analysis is critical to increasing student achievement and closing the achievement gap.

Course of Study

Our school's general education curriculum is based on the district's Course of Study, K-12. In addition to meeting a legal requirement, the Course of Study provides information about the district's educational programs and approved instructional materials. It also outlines state and district requirements, district cross-curricular programs, special education programs, student assessment, and more.


School and district policies require homework and outside reading on a regular basis. Each teacher has a homework policy that meets these requirements. Your child will bring home a copy of the policy for his or her classroom during the first few weeks of school.

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